Despite not being classified as a mental condition, it is a more common condition of what would be healthy for any society and, often, is the result of a mother (or father) too protective, a helicopter mother or a father whoGive your son or daughter a completely uncontrolled freedom of action, too many praise and attention during childhood and adolescence.Sometimes, this parents' behavior is also called emotional incest.
Peter Pan Syndrome is traditionally considered a situation in which an adult man is childish and immature, despite his age.But in current culture, with such a helicopter upbringing, it is sure to assume that both men and women can exhibit these behaviors.
The Little Prince Syndrome (or princess) is related, but is not identical to the small emperor syndrome, a term that is mainly used to describe children without brothers who behave like little tyrants.
The little princes and princesses, as I define them, are adult men or women who act as if they were selfish children, narcissistic adolescents or young irresponsible adults, and they feel entitled to behave as they seem better.
The following is a list of emotionally immature signs to take into account, typical features of someone who lives with the prince's syndrome or the princess.
(For the sake of simplicity, I use the term Prince then and I mean the role of mothers, not parents, but the signs are applicable to all genres).
She is more "in" her life than any other person.She controls it and cares about him, although he is an adult man.I could buy clothes and food and wash clothes for him.
I could have tantrums or have fun all night with people 10 years younger.
Wait for you to take care of it and pile it on request.Happily will take but will never give.
The old couples end up becoming their enemies or new playmates.
You can take six months to commit to buy a new sofa.
His "friends" consist mainly of his mother and the strangers he knows when he plays or is partying.
Which means that it has a tendency to participate in an indirect expression of hostility through acts such as subtle insults, sullen behavior, stubbornness or a deliberate failure to perform the required tasks.
If something is slightly inconvenient, it will resist doing it.
Speak too much money on clothing, play games, accessories, collectible figurines, and spend too much time playing, celebrating or chasing women.
Blame everyone around him for everything that goes wrong in his life, even his mother if he can't find another Turk's head.