Clothing brand
Utility is key for fashion brands launching NFT in 2022
By fashionwoman | 23/02/2022 |
Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have become one of the most discussed markets in the cryptocurrency space this year. A recent report from Cointelegraph Res...
- 23/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Decathlon great winner of I am Georgina last hit of Netflix
By fashionwoman | 22/02/2022 |
The sporting goods brand benefited greatly from the influencer's reality showToday is the big premiere of the reality series Soy Georgina, Netflix's new bet where its protagonist...
- 22/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Two out of ten households will spend more for this Christmas, consumption in most families will be the same or less than in 2020
By fashionwoman | 21/02/2022 |
Eight out of ten households expect to spend the same or less for this Christmas than last year, and the other two families expect to spend more. In business the projection is that that ma...
- 21/02/2022
- fashionwoman
They ask to boycott Goya Foods for its praise for Trump
By fashionwoman | 20/02/2022 |
Advertisement Advertisement By Associated Press Associated Press Spanish | Jul 10, 2020at12:41 PM SILVER SPRING, Maryland, EE.UU. (AP) — El sobr...
- 20/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Zara accuses a consumer of theft and writes it on a ticket to humiliate her
By fashionwoman | 19/02/2022 |
Zara has labeled a consumer in the worst way by crossing out her purchase ticket with the word theft and making her live the worst shopping experience, in one of the chain's most emblematic stores.
- 19/02/2022
- fashionwoman
"I have your order baby": They open a Shein store in a small town in Oaxaca
By fashionwoman | 18/02/2022 |
During much of the pandemic, places and physical stores were forced to close their doors due to health restrictions, leaving their regular buyers in search of alternatives...
- 18/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Invertia The Spanish 'boutique' that makes clothes with precious stones seeks to finance two million to go abroad
By fashionwoman | 17/02/2022 |
Various garments from the Hegemony catalog.CompaniesLaetitia Holsman's (Hegemony) t-shirts, sweatshirts and caps have gold, silver, rubies or zircon inserted.18 April, 202103:33Rubén EscuderoNews...
- 17/02/2022
- fashionwoman
News News Fashion reaches the metaverse thanks to brands like Zara, H&M and Gucci Fashion reaches the metaverse thanks to brands like Zara, H&M and Gucci
By fashionwoman | 16/02/2022 |
The metaverse was virtually unknown to almost everyone until Mark Zuckerberg announced the change of his company name to Meta. Since then, virtual spaces have come to be...
- 16/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Lewis Hamilton becomes a designer for a clothing brand
By fashionwoman | 15/02/2022 |
Lewis Hamilton, Formula 1 driver.Photo: taken from Lewis Hamilton's twitter account.The well-known Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton has once again changed the racing circuits for the workshops...
- 15/02/2022
- fashionwoman
How the metaverse will change digital marketing
By fashionwoman | 14/02/2022 |
Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest Share on Email Share on Telegram Share on WhatsAppThe metaverse was first imagined by the...
- 14/02/2022
- fashionwoman
He created a brand that rescues the oral tradition of Santander
By fashionwoman | 13/02/2022 |
Nicolás Gigino Sánchez is an entrepreneur and creator of the "Acento Santandereano" brand, a business idea that highlights the oral culture of this region of Colombia.Photo: Courtesy Nicolás Gigino Sánchez“The i...
- 13/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Simple ideas that ended up being worth millions | Life -
By fashionwoman | 12/02/2022 |
Bright Idea List: Get Paid for a Pixel The year was 2005, and 21-year-old Alex Tew needed money to finish his studies. So he came up with the brilliant and simple idea of creating u...
- 12/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Erotic products that will triumph this Christmas
By fashionwoman | 11/02/2022 |
Sponsored HTML for Desktop:Sponsored HTML for Mobile:OFFERED BY AmantisTo have a pleasant and more fun Christmas celebration than everSatisfyers 2021 comparison: the best options...
- 11/02/2022
- fashionwoman
Georges St-Pierre, the "millions" he earned in the UFC and his cunning to invest them
By fashionwoman | 10/02/2022 |
To speak of Georges St-Pierre is to speak of one of the eminences of mixed martial arts. At 40 years old, the Canadian can boast of countless achievements on the octagon (UFC champion in d…
- 10/02/2022
- fashionwoman
The new Tesla is not a car: $ 50 for an "exclusive whistle" made of stainless steel inspired by the Cybertruck
By fashionwoman | 09/02/2022 |
2 comments HOY SE HABLA DE Subscribe to Xataka México Receive an email a day with our articles: Gonzalo Hernández @gonzalojhm Tesla has just launched a minimalist whistle...
- 09/02/2022
- fashionwoman