Clothing brand
The funny start of Juan del Val in La Roca after the positive in Covid of Nuria Roca: "You are a hologram!"
By fashionwoman | 26/01/2023 |
"Hello everyone. Welcome to the rock. It's 15:30 and here and now your week starts."With these words, Nuria Roca started her program as every Sunday, although this time in a very special way ...
- 26/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Anna Ferrer Padilla reflects on the pressure she has felt all her life for her last name
By fashionwoman | 25/01/2023 |
Social networks The daughter of Paz Padilla has shared details of her private life in the 'stories' of Instagramcríticos to Paz Padilla for a joke of bad taste in 'Save me' about the situation in Afghani ...
- 25/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Rafa Nadal will play a 250 -year category tournament again
By fashionwoman | 24/01/2023 |
127 days have passed since Rafael Nadal played his last official game in the eighths of the Open 500 of Washington with defeat against Lloyd Harrys.Many things have passed since then, the most signif ...
- 24/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Why is Argentina's ice cream so rich?The inheritance of Italian grandparents to be export power
By fashionwoman | 23/01/2023 |
What pleasure is ice cream?In Argentina a particular phenomenon happens in relation to this tempting product: unlike what happens in other countries, here consumers are accustomed ...
- 23/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Metaverso: 3 brands of clothing that already entered and how it impacts the consumer
By fashionwoman | 22/01/2023 |
Since the end of October 2021 the word metaverso is a concept that is not to be cited in various media and conversations.Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook, was the ENC ...
- 22/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Walmart reveals interest in creating cryptocurrency and selling virtual goods
By fashionwoman | 21/01/2023 |
The American company Walmart, the world's largest supermarket chain, has revealed its interest in creating a cryptocurrency and selling virtual goods in several brand requests delivered rec ...
- 21/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Are you a good driver?These technologies can help you
By fashionwoman | 20/01/2023 |
Familiarity with the vehicle and confidence in ourselves are factors that negatively influence our driving habits.Take the steering wheel with one hand, make twists without ...
- 20/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Pandemia led him to create his own funkos - Yucatán Diario
By fashionwoman | 19/01/2023 |
Friends in Miniatural Pandemia led to reinvent Ramahá Palomino, who seeing that his work area closed before confinement found a way to get ahead: he created Funko Arts, Piez ...
- 19/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Delfina Operation and a real -life case, by Walter Beller - and so on
By fashionwoman | 18/01/2023 |
The trick is to know how to read the weaknesses of others.Many times we have come to believe the government says and only mere crazy occurrences are mere occurrences, and that is why the country goes aimlessly from the economic ...
- 18/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Medalist dedicates triumph in Jjoo to Adidas and Puma after denying him sponsorship
By fashionwoman | 17/01/2023 |
A medalist has dedicated Adidas and Puma the bronze in Judo, who has won at the Tokyo Olympic Games, after the companies refused to sponsor him, so they have lost a great op ...
- 17/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Maluma: How much does the fortune of the interpreter of bad mine amounts?
By fashionwoman | 16/01/2023 |
Maluma is not only the pretty boy par excellence, he is also a visionary and an entrepreneur who has managed to take advantage of his talent to monetize everything he plays, just like King Midas.Po ...
- 16/01/2023
- fashionwoman
III Relational Marketing Study conducted by Mediapost
By fashionwoman | 15/01/2023 |
It is no secret that relationships between great consumption brands and consumers are no longer what they were.Years ago, gaining customer loyalty was easier, mainly po ...
- 15/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Puromarketing Co-Branding Fever: Why brands have delivered to collaborate with each other to launch products
By fashionwoman | 14/01/2023 |
The K-Pop is a global success, thanks to a very careful image and a very well measured and calculated marketing strategy.His audience has been increasing year after year and its cultural impact has also ...
- 14/01/2023
- fashionwoman
Opinion: Is the Jeep Compass the most interesting SUV on the market?
By fashionwoman | 13/01/2023 |
Autobildver Gallery4 Imagesjeep Compass 2017 (4 images) Our opinion of the Jeep Compass is that it has positive dimensions for off-road and is undoubtedly one of the most interesting cars in ...
- 13/01/2023
- fashionwoman
What will happen to 'Kantora is Mine' the brand with which Kiko Rivera challenged Isabel Pantoja?
By fashionwoman | 12/01/2023 |
Reconcilacionel son of Isabel Pantoja made things very clear about her mother by throwing a collection of clothing called 'Kantora is Mine'kiko Rivera against critics: "I do not regret ...
- 12/01/2023
- fashionwoman