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Peñarol has everything soon to sign with the brand that will wear it until 2027

Peñarol has everything soon to sign with the brand that will wear it until 2027

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Solo faltan detalles para que Peñarol firme un contrato hasta mayo de 2027 con la marca deportiva que lo vestirá por el próximo lustro en todas sus disciplinas, el cual supondrá además una mejoría no solo en lo económico, sino también en la cantidad de ropa que recibirá la institución y una amplitud en la oferta que tendrán los hinchas y particularmente los socios.

"The issue is working (Eduardo) Zaidensztat, EvaristWe currently have, since we would practically double the annual amount that we would receive, we would get a greater amount of clothing for the different campuses and put another pile of conditions that to improve the offer to the fans of Peñarol. Por ejemplo, que haya una mayor cantidad de talles a la venta en las tiendas oficiales y que se tenga una mayor consideración en la venta a los socios", expresó a Ovación el presidente de Peñarol, Ignacio Ruglio.

Peñarol tiene todo pronto para firmar con la marca que lo vestirá hasta 2027

Last August Ovación reported that only three companies were competing: Puma (current supplier), Umbro and New Balance.The current consignee had the advantage that if it matched the best offer would keep the contract.And it was finally what happened.

As Ovación knew, the best offer when the pricing call was made Umbro, which already dressed the sights twice: between 1996 and 1998 and then between 2001 and 2006.Puma enforced his preference clause, matched the offer and stayed with the concession.This means that until 2027 at least Peñarol will not change "technical sponsor", as he calls his sportswear supplier, and will be 21 uninterrupted years as strategic partners, since the relationship began in 2006.

Although the figures were not informed to ovation, what is known is that the institution currently receives US $ 333.000 (is the proof of one million dollars for three years of the current contract) and 10.000 garments a year, figures that would increase almost double.