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Root of all evils - El Heraldo Diario

Root of all evils - El Heraldo Diario

TRISTEZA. “Señora, por favor contrólese. Necesito que responda correctamente a mis preguntas”.

The detective's voice was soft but authoritarian, and the woman suddenly kept silent, despite her agitated breathing and the anguish that stirred in her chest.She looked at the police with despair, red eyes and inflamed eyelids.She cleaned her tears with the handkerchief, rang her nose and aspired air with force, trying to recover her calm.The detective added:

"When was the last time she communicated with her husband?"

The woman responded in a trembling voice:

“It was twenty days ago, at about one o'clock in the afternoon.He told me that he had just put fuel and that he was stopped in an operation because his car did not walk plaques ... the car was new;He had a week of having taken him out of the Toyota. ”

“We know it, ma'am.And we already confirm that the car we found burned was the 3.0 of her husband.They burned twenty days ago, precisely the day her husband disappeared. ”

The woman let out a tear.It was difficult for him to contain himself.

CASO. Marlon desapareció sin dejar rastro poco después de las tres de la tarde, luego de comunicarse con su esposa por última vez.Salió de su hacienda ese mismo día, a las cuatro de la mañana, y llegó a la agencia principal del banco antes de que abrieran. Tenía que retirar poco más de tres millones de lempiras de su cuenta personal para pagar una finca de café que había negociado dos días antes y para comprar los materiales del beneficio que pensaba construir para su propio uso.

In addition, the next day he got a cargo of cattle for flesh and milk from Nicaragua, and he did not like to look bad with his suppliers.And to square the money, he had promised his wife to spend together the weekend in Roatán.He felt tired and it was fair to have fun a little.But he did not return to his house and his wife did not see him again.

HALLAZGO. Veinte días después, en una zona boscosa, al pie de una montaña impenetrable, dos niños que buscaban leña empezaron a apedrear a varios zopilotes que hacían grupo sobre un claro rodeado de arbustos. Cuando se acercaron, descubrieron un cadáver, mejor dicho, un esqueleto vestido con restos de ropa, y, asustados, empezaron a correr llamando al tío que los acompañaba. Cuando llegó la Policía, los niños todavía estaban pálidos, impresionados y temerosos.

Homicide detectives secured the scene and began to do their job.The body was not alone.Beyond, behind a zacate curtain, there was another skeleton, with empty eyes basins, the jaw uncalated and with two holes on the forehead.

"I think we find the missing farmer."

The detective's voice was clear and caught the attention of his companions.

“They didn't kidnap him.He was killed by stealing the money. ”

"Are you sure it's him?"

“What kind of man wears boots like that?Only Mel Zelaya and the millionaire farmers, right?In addition, among the data that her wife gave us, she says that she used boots Joe brand, ocher color, crocodile skin, engraved and with a gold tip.Do you see them well?They are those.She says that her husband bought them in Mexico.I think he will recognize them. ”

"He was killed by two bullets in the face, and finished him with one on his forehead."

"And he who killed him was in front of him, although he was smaller of stature, judging by the shape of the bullet entry hole."

"The two men have their hands tied back."

“They tied them with their same shirt, the green and white tables shirts, with yellow lines described by the wife.The other tied him with the laces of his own shoes. ”

At that time, a shout interrupted them.

"Come see this."

HUELLAS. A unos quince metros de la escena, entre robles bajos y arbustos enanos, había una depresión arcillosa y llena de piedras de diferentes tamaños que se extendía unos cien metros hasta llegar a una planicie que terminaba en la orilla de la carretera pavimentada. En el lugar donde estaba el detective que había gritado un hueco que estuvo lleno de agua unos días atrás mostraba algo especial, que los detectives no tardaron en interpretar.

“This is the proof that the murderers arrived here by car, possibly the 3.0 of the victims.They turned around, parked as they killed the men and when they left, a tire, surely the right rear tire, sank into the mud, because twenty days ago it rained a lot in this area, he skated, he sank more and left this hole."

Raíz de todos los males - Diario El Heraldo

The detective that had shouted smiled with malice, looked at his partner and said, with some irony:

"I see that you are a good observer and that you are‘ movies ’for theories.Look well further back, among those stones ”... several seconds passed and, in the end, the detective exclaimed:


Between two gray stones, pointed and surrounded by grass, and a little discolored and dirty, was a small cell phone.The detective took him carefully and checked him for a moment, then squeezed the green key and did not receive an answer.

"He is downloaded," he said, and kept it in a transparent bag.

"Who will it be?"

“It could be of the second victim.A man who fits Joe boots of one thousand five hundred dollars would not use a cell phone like this. ”

He crouched once again, to carefully observe the stones between those who found the cell phone, and kept silent for long and uncomfortable seconds.

In one of the stones, the greatest and most pointed, there was something that seemed to be fabric fiber, and the detective asked for a magnifying glass.He then observed the stone for longer.With a clamp he withdrew three pieces of thread and kept them in a packing bag.But something else caught his attention.In a stone hole there was a dark crust and he crouched more to see her.Then, he raised his head, saw the hole that left the tire on the clay, looked at the stones and a satisfaction light shone in his eyes.

"I think this cell phone is from one of the murderers," he said;If I did not theorize badly, he got on the paila, sat on a shore, the car stuck, the tire skated, the driver had to accelerate thoroughly and when he shot the car forward, the man fell on his back.The distance between the stones and the hole is a meter and a half, more or less.The man fell on the stones, wounded in one, or in both, and bleeding.At that moment his cell phone fell.

I think it stunned for a moment, enough for blood to come out of the wound and accumulate in that stone hole.What eye inspections take it to the laboratory.If we find the owner of the phone, we will find the murderers.And one of them has one or two wounds, rather, two scars on the right side of the back, near the hip. ”

EN EL BANCO. Los videos de las cámaras de seguridad del banco captaron el momento en que el 3.0 de Marlon entró al estacionamiento del banco, el momento en que entró y los minutos que estuvo esperando a que lo atendieran. Iba para retirar una cantidad demasiado grande, y sería atendido por un oficial en especial.

But he took to arrive and at eleven in the morning, Marlon showed himself restless.He left the bank shortly after half past twelve.In the other videos of that day there was nothing suspicious.

"Then nobody followed him when he left the bank."

"So it seems".

“When they stopped in the operation, everything was normal.The wife says she noticed her calm and even cheerful.And she asked for chicken with potatoes in red sauce and white rice with sweet chili for dinner.Everything was fine to this point. ”


"What do you imagine?"

"I don't know what to say".

“It is clear that even the operation, nobody followed them.From the bank to the departure of the city there is a distance of several kilometers, and many places where they could ambush them, if they followed them.The wife that Marlon was very distrustful, that he always drove defensive and that he never stopped if it was not necessary, and always drove quickly. ”


“We need the name of the cell phone owner.That's the key of everything".

EL NOMBRE. “El celular no sirve. El agua lo destruyó, pero tenemos el número del chip y una lista de las llamadas de ese día. La última llamada realizada fue a la una de la tarde con siete minutos, duró un minuto y doce segundos”.

"To what number?"

"To this".

"Do we have the name of the owner?"

"Yes, a woman named Elena." "And the first cell phone?Whose is it?"

"From a woman named Glenda."

"What then did that phone do on the crime scene?"

"Wait for us to find it to resolve the case ... and then say that Dec does not work and that it is useless, that is why they are going to give it to the military, than to the Public Ministry, than to the Violeta collective, than to theChapo Guzmán and Black Barracuda… ”

"Already!Already!It doesn't matter who they give it.What matters is that we do our work, even if they pay them ... So what do we have? ”

"The call left the cell phone that we found on the scene and was captured by the number‘ Tal ’tower, from the‘ X ’neighborhood, located about one hundred and fifty meters where the operation were doing."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure.Here is the result of the analysis ... the call was received by that number and was captured by the ‘S’ tower, between the university and the herd. ”There was a moment of silence.

“Two teams are locating the owners of cell phones.It will soon have results. ”

The detective in charge stood up.

“Then, while we wait, let's waste time finding out if that day there was an operation in the university area.They usually put it in the connector that passes through the CCI church, in front of Dimasa Ford.And find out how long it lasted ... "

JUSTO. Hay quienes creen que el trabajo policial es una actividad sencilla que puede ser desempeñada por cualquiera que tenga cuatro dedos de frente, sin embargo, nada más alejado de la realidad.

To perform in this profession you must first have a vocation, capacity for sacrifice, empathy towards the common and unknown citizen, discipline, guts to put aside the family itself and complete and total disposition to leave life in the fulfillment of duty,Even knowing that no one will ever thank such an offering, that the institution itself will abandon its family and that there will even some bosses, including some of two and three soles, which will say near their coffin: 'What was PENDEJ ... well?Serve and protect.LOL!'.Even so, there are those who see in the crime a evil that must be fought for the good of society, although society, usually ungrateful, never recognize the merits of these men and women who, with nails and teeth, fight each day againstThe criminals, even if the criminals win the war.

In summary, being a policeman is a decent job, of great nobility, which must be valued and recognized as one of the most important and useful professions.

As long as the bad police, those do not deserve to be called that;They are only infiltrated criminals who abuse the uniform to satisfy their low instincts.Nothing more.

EN LA TARDE. De los buenos policías que hablamos líneas arriba, hay muchos, y entre estos, los que trabajaban en este caso.A las tres de la tarde estaban reunidos otra vez, para recibir los últimos datos.

Sitting in two maltrecha chairs they waited two women, young, beautiful but nervous, who bit their nails and looked anxious in all directions.

When a detective called one of them, he took to stand up, was pale and seemed to cry.She sat in a new chair and put the heavy wallet on her legs, wrapped in a delicate white pants.

"You say that this phone number is not yours, right?"

"Yes, sir, it's not mine." "But he is registered in his name."

"It was lost to me."

“If you lie to me, you will be complicit in murder;Of theft and murder, and you already imagine what awaits you ... Tell me the truth, you gave this number to a policeman, right? ”

The woman shuddered.

"What is you about you?"

She took before answering.

"Is my boyfriend".

"Where is her boyfriend?"

"I dont know.For a week I don't look at it. ”

"I'm going to tell her where her boyfriend is."

He took several extended photos from a briefcase and extended them in front of the girl.This one shouted.In the photos the body of a man appeared, tied and fetal, which had been strangled with a red nylon loop that he still had tied around the neck.In other photos a large cardboard box appeared and, in others, a motorcycle.

“We found it yesterday.We soon identify it, but until today we could relate it to this cell phone number.They killed him, they executed him rather ... You weren't the wife, right? ”

The woman moved her head to the sides.She was about to pass out.

“About twenty days or so, he earned a lot of money.Did you know? "

The woman moved her head forward.

"How many?"

"He told me that he had made a‘ return ’and that he had won enough ratatcle to leave the chamba, but he didn't tell me how much."

"He told him where he kept the money?"

"Nope;She didn't tell me any of that. ”

"Good.Do you know a partner with whom he won his boyfriend most? ”

"I don't know ... but they were always going to visit some colleagues who walk in a patrol, the M1-X.He stayed at my house on weekends, because his wife lives in Olancho ... "

"Do you know the woman who was sitting by her side?"


"Good.Wait outside. ”

The second woman sat slowly.The detective smiled at him.

"This is not your number, right?"


"But it is in your name."


"You gave it to Marvin, rather, you bought it for him ..."


“Tell me where Marvin is.He remained as a police officer ten days ago.We believe that he and a group of his companions intercepted two men, about three weeks ago, assaulted them and killed them.They were stolen more than three million lempiras. ”

The woman opened her mouth and began to cry.

"Marvin told me to go for a while ..."

"Where to?"

“To Nicaragua.He has family in Chontales. ”

"Did you see it with money?"

"Yes.She wore it in a backpack ... "

"Did you know Joel XZ?"

"Yes;they were friends".

"We found it dead yesterday, in a box."

"If i noticed."

"Do you have any idea why they killed him?"

"I knew they fought for money, my husband, Marvin, and two of his companions ..."

"Who is the other?"

“I only know him for Martínez.He is tall and thin, green and bad eyes.He about twenty -eight years old.He said he was charged but that he ironed and punished him ... "

"Has her husband communicated, Marvin, with you?"

"Nope;Not at all.I'm afraid something bad will happen. ”

The detective stood up and called one of his teammates who expected.

"So far we get ... at least we know who the murderers are ..."

"Are we going to inspect the patrol?"

"So that?It will use nothing.Better communicate with the Nicaragua Investigation Police, and with Interpol.I don't think Marvin goes unnoticed in a place as small as Chontales ... "

"Did you know we went to the policeman's autopsy ...?

"Did you see the scars on the back?"

"Yes;A large, about three centimeters, and a smaller one.The coroner said they were recent ... "

"Well, we were on the right track."

"And the three million?"

The detective raised his shoulders and smiled with a gesture of sadness.