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Pandemia led him to create his own funkos - Yucatán Diario

Pandemia led him to create his own funkos - Yucatán Diario

Amigos enminiatura

The pandemia led to reinvent Ramahá Palomino, who seeing that his work area closed before confinement found a way to get ahead: Funko Arts created, personalizedminiature pieces with which any person, artist or character or character recreates in detail.

The youngman from Homún says that everything started a year ago when one of her friends told her that she wanted to send an image of her boyfriend in Fondant to put in a cake and give her a surprise.

Ramahá told him that he would be expensive and then he would have to throw it because the fondant is so sweet that one cannot eat, so it occurred to him tomake a figure that initially thought with plasticine, but he decided on themoldable foamy.

His friend loved the figure and shared it on social networks, they immediately asked him who did it and expressed interest in a similar piece.

Thus began the work of hand carving of the Funko Art.In addition to the pieces that requested him, he came up with some of known characters, such as blogger Azael May, who also shared the figure in his social networks and aroused the interest of Internet users.

Then hemade others like José Miguel "Tako", Mama Genny of "Masterchef", "Chepita Kakatúa" (Salome Sansores), former Voxtubero Cich;Lalo Chacón, the star animator, the driver Marjolette Aguilar and the journalist Fátima Ramírez.

La pandemia lo llevó a crear sus propios Funkos - Diario de Yucatán

Recently hemade those of the threemembers of Tik Tok Huiros, Violeta Sanbino, El Chinito and Charly;Aunt Chayo and Ruperta Pérez Sosa.

Ramahá dedicated himself before the pandemic to performing centers andmemories for social events, as well as decoration in general, and house cleaning.

The two things ended the pandemic, because there were no social events and people no longer requested the cleaning service for fear of COVID.

He says that he has always had the ability to perform crafts and that led him to experiment withminiature sculpture through the pieces to which Funko Arts named, as they resemble the funko pops.

It also details that it does not wearmolds, but that each piece creates it from zero withoutmore help than its hands and a series of tweezers tomold and cut thematerial.At first I did not have them, so I used a pencil, a stick, a scissors and a kitchen knife.

The first figure hemade took eight hours, now he performs between five and seven hours depending on each case, because there are some that havemany details.

The boxes in which the pieces are alsomade by hand.

Ramahá Palomino wants to share his skills in crafts, so yesterday Friday he began to broad.This will be at 5 p.m.

Anteriormente ya había hecho algo similar, por lo que los lunes comparte varias opciones de qué hacer, la gente vota por la quemás le guste y es la que se realiza.

Losmiércoles o jueves da a conocer losmateriales que se necesitan, suele usarmuchomaterial reciclable que se puede encontrar en casa. Esamisma dinámica seguirá ahora, por lo que pide a los que deseen unirse a sus transmisiones estén atentos a sus redes sociales.

On Instagram it is like @so soramahá_oficial and in Tik tok @roamahá palomino.-

Craft pieces

Por la pandemia, Ramahá Palomino decidió incursionar en la escultura enminiatura.

The clothes

Primero realiza el boceto de la pieza, elige los tonos a usar,moldea la pieza tomando en cuenta todo, si la persona viste una blusa, guayabera, demanga larga o corta, vestido, huipil, falda, short, pantalón, zapatos, tenis… cada una de estas cosas tiene su nivel de complejidad.


Si la persona tiene un tatuaje o una cicatriz significativa lo plasma en la figura, o si se trata de alguien que trabaja en un negocio pinta también el logotipo o nombre de lamarca. Por ejemplo, a la figura de Mamá Genny le puso unmandil con el logotipo de MasterChef y en lamano un panucho.It also has lenses and a huipil.